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BEYOND FAILURE by (Godswill Ojumeaka)


Failure is an inevitable part of goal setting. But what you do with it is what actually matters. There are times were things seems not to be working. When all you see are negative reflections of your self made goals. But it is your tenacity in  the midst of these times that will make you stand out.

Importantly, most goals do not come into reality with just a single try. There are times all you see and have are negative results. You just feel like quieting and turning your back at it.
But the big questions are:

  • What will you do when failure hits you at the face?
  • What is your response-ability like when you encounter failure?
  • What will you do when you have set a goal to double your income and suddenly you are laid off?
  • What will you do when you have set a goal to improve on your relationship with that special one and all you get is a break up news?
My friend, these are real life questions. Do you allow such outcomes to break you of make you?
Do you allow it to grind you or groom you? Do you see it as degrading or a platform for upgrading? Indeed your response to these determine how you feel about it. Maturity among other things is largely the way you react even in the face of challenges.

  • I use failure as a means of improvement. Believe me I have set many goals, achieve some and failed in the others. But one thing I do is to seek reasons why I could not achieve all the goals set. I had to go back and review, analyse and reset those same goals again with the necessary information gathered on the best way to attain them. My Mentor, Dr. David Oyedepo do say "You do not fail an exam because you do not have any knowledge of the course. You fail an exam because you do not know enough." Use failure as a tool for improvement. Ask questions why things happened the way they did. Do not be surprised that the answers lies in those questions.
  • I ceased from allowing the thought of past failure to kill my goalMost people are living in the pain of past failure. They are so afraid that they can not do anything as regards that same goal. Humorously, if you fail, do not give up. set another goal. If it fails again, set it over and over and over again. Magaret Thartcher posited "At times you have to fight a battle more than once to win."
The world do not celebrate failures. they only celebrate those who never bow down to failure. Let your mind be open to the pictures of your goals as though they have been achieved not failure. Remember, failure is success turned inside out.
